/* * "Hello World" example. * * This example prints 'Hello from Nios II' to the STDOUT stream. It runs on * the Nios II 'standard', 'full_featured', 'fast', and 'low_cost' example * designs. It runs with or without the MicroC/OS-II RTOS and requires a STDOUT * device in your system's hardware. * The memory footprint of this hosted application is ~69 kbytes by default * using the standard reference design. * * For a reduced footprint version of this template, and an explanation of how * to reduce the memory footprint for a given application, see the * "small_hello_world" template. * */ #include <stdio.h> #include "system.h" #include "altera_avalon_pio_regs.h" #include "terasic_includes.h" #include "I2C.h" #define R_TEMPERATURE 0x00 #define R_HUMIDITY 0x01 #define R_CONFIGURATION 0x02 #define R_MANUFACTURER_ID 0xFE #define R_DEVICE_ID 0xFF #define HDC1000_I2C_ADRESS 0x80 // 1000_000 + Write bit 0 long HEXtable[11] = {0x40, // 0:1000000 0x79, // 1:1111001 0x24, // 2:0100100 0x30, // 3:0110000 0x19, // 4:0011001 0x12, // 5:0010010 0x02, // 6:0000010 0x78, // 7:1111000 0x00, // 8:0000000 0x10, // 9:0010000 0x7F // Blank }; #define KEY_START 0x01 #define KEY_STOP 0x02 void LEDR_out(int num) { if(num > 9) return; if(num < 0) { IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(LEDR_BASE, 0x0); // -の値がきたらBlankにする } else { IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(LEDR_BASE, 1 << num); } } void HEX_out(int digit, int num) { if(num > 9) return; if(num < 0) num=10; // -の値がきたらBlankにする if((digit < 0)||(digit > 2)) return; if(digit) IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(HEX1_BASE, HEXtable[num]); else IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(HEX0_BASE, HEXtable[num]); } bool Read_Configuration(void) { bool bPass; alt_u16 data; bPass = I2C_Read16(RH_TEMP_I2C_SCL_BASE,RH_TEMP_I2C_SDA_BASE,HDC1000_I2C_ADRESS,R_CONFIGURATION,&data); if(bPass){ printf("Read Configuration Data = 0x%x \r\n",data); if(((data>>12)&0x0001) == 0) printf("Acquisition mode:Temperature or Humidity is acquired.\r\n "); else printf("Acquisition mode:Temperature and Humidity are acquired in sequence,Temperature first.\r\n "); if(((data>>10)&0x0001) == 0) printf("Temperature Measurement Resolution: 14 bit.\r\n "); else printf("Temperature Measurement Resolution: 11 bit.\r\n "); if(((data>> 8)&0x0003) == 0) printf("Humidity Measurement Resolution: 14 bit.\r\n "); else if(((data>> 8)&0x0003) == 1) printf("Humidity Measurement Resolution: 11 bit.\r\n "); else printf("Humidity Measurement Resolution: 8 bit.\r\n "); } return bPass; } bool Write_Configuration(alt_u8 acquisition_mode , alt_u8 temp_resolution,alt_u8 humidity_resolution) { bool bPass; alt_u16 data; data = ((acquisition_mode&0x0001) <<12) + ((temp_resolution&0x0001)<<10) + ((humidity_resolution&0x0003)<<8); //printf("Write Configuration Data = 0x%x \r\n",data); bPass = I2C_Write16(RH_TEMP_I2C_SCL_BASE,RH_TEMP_I2C_SDA_BASE,HDC1000_I2C_ADRESS,R_CONFIGURATION,data); return bPass; } bool RH_Temp_Sensor_init(void) { bool bPass; alt_u16 data; bPass = I2C_Read16(RH_TEMP_I2C_SCL_BASE,RH_TEMP_I2C_SDA_BASE,HDC1000_I2C_ADRESS,R_MANUFACTURER_ID,&data); if(bPass){ printf("Manufacturer ID is %x\r\n",data);// 0x5449 expected }else{ printf("I2C MultipleRead Failed!\r\n"); } bPass = I2C_Read16(RH_TEMP_I2C_SCL_BASE,RH_TEMP_I2C_SDA_BASE,HDC1000_I2C_ADRESS,R_DEVICE_ID,&data); if(bPass){ printf("Device ID is %x\r\n",data); // 0x1000 expected }else{ printf("I2C Read16 Failed!\r\n"); } bPass = Read_Configuration(); if(!bPass){ printf("I2C Read_Configuration Failed!\r\n"); } bPass = Write_Configuration(1,0,0); if(!bPass){ printf("[Note] Set Configuration Failed!\r\n"); } return bPass; } int main() { alt_u8 KeyStatus, FLAG=0; // 0:Stop 1:Running bool bPass; alt_u8 rh_temp[4]; alt_u16 data; int temp_int; // Initial Display HEX_out(0, -1); HEX_out(1, -1); LEDR_out(-1); // Sensor Initialize RH_Temp_Sensor_init(); while(1) { usleep(500000); KeyStatus = IORD_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(KEY_BASE); if(( KeyStatus & KEY_STOP ) == 0 ) { FLAG = 0; HEX_out(0, -1); HEX_out(1, -1); LEDR_out(-1); } else if (( KeyStatus & KEY_START ) == 0 ) { FLAG = 1; } if( FLAG ) { bPass = I2C_MultipleRead(RH_TEMP_I2C_SCL_BASE, RH_TEMP_I2C_SDA_BASE, HDC1000_I2C_ADRESS, R_TEMPERATURE, rh_temp,4); if(bPass) { data = (rh_temp[0] << 8) | rh_temp[1] ; data = (rh_temp[0] << 8) | rh_temp[1] ; temp = (double)data/397.188 -40.0; temp_int = (int)(temp*10.0); HEX_out(1,temp_int/100); HEX_out(0,(temp_int%100)/10); LEDR_out(temp_int%10); printf("Temperature: %.2f \n",temp); } } } return 0; }
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